Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Comic Related Movies You Must See in 2012

There are a number of decent movies coming out this year for the comic book enthusiast to enjoy. I love watching my favorite comic book characters come to life but I have to admit that I don't typically see every one of these movies in the theaters.

If the movie just doesn't look good, or is focused on a character that I just don't follow (Green Lantern for example), I will likely wait to see it on Blu-Ray. I actually find I can enjoy a movie much more in my home (less ambient noise = more focus on the movie) than at the theater so the movies I may not have liked as much in the theater turn out to be some of my favorites later on. If only I could recreate the Pretzel Bites experience at home also...

So what movies do I think most comic book fans will love in 2012?

  1. The Amazing Spider-Man

  2. The Avengers

  3. The Dark Knight Rises

The Amazing Spider-Man

Over the July 4th weekend, July 3rd to be exact, we will be treated to another reboot of the Spider-Man mythos. I am not really a fan of constant reboots but I didn't have a good feeling about Spider-Man 3 anyway. So, I am looking forward to a new series of films with new actors and a new spin on the Spider-Man origin.

I like Kirsten Dunst but the part of MJ just wasn't her best role - she just seemed too whiny too me. I did however, love Tobey Maguire and J.K. Simmons as Peter Parker and J. Jonah Jameson, so those will be tough shoes to fill. Particularly since I haven't even seen any mention of the owner of the Daily Bugle in any credits, which is very odd. An added bonus for me will be an appearance by Dennis Leary as George Stacy.

The teaser theater poster doesn't impress me much but I have faith that the movie itself will not let me down. After all, it is Spider-Man right?

The Avengers

This is a project that I really didn't think would happen and I have to really give credit to all of the players being committed and pulling this movie together.

Many of the actors are some big name stars, or became big name stars leading up to this film from their previous roles as Thor and Captain America. I imagine keeping these folks eyes all together on this one goal must have been a bit challenging and the director, Joss Whedon, appears to have done a fantastic job.

The early teaser trailer looks really cool. Hopefully this movie will be a major smash hit and more sequels will follow. May 4th will come faster than you think, get ready for The Avengers!

The Dark Knight Rises

I have to admit that I have not watched this trailer yet and I don't aim to anytime soon. This will be a movie I go into as blind as possible. So, how can I recommend that you must see this movie if I haven't even seen the preview? Easy!

If you have already watched the first 2 installments of Christopher Nolan's Batman films you have an idea of just how awesome this film will be. The dark and gritty nature of the previous films appears to be continuing in this latest film. All of the photos that I have seen and the rumors I have heard lead me to believe we can expect some serious drama and action in TDKR.

Even the posters for this movie look incredible!

What movies are in your top 3 to see this year?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Comics I Want In 2012

Obviously I have too many comics, hence the name of the site. That does not mean my collection is complete though. There are still a lot of really cool comic books I'd like to add to my collection.

I will focus on just a few comics this year so that I might actually achieve my goal of getting all of these comics. So, without further ado, here is my list:

X-men 11 in CGC grade of 9.0 or higher

I have a decent copy of this book to read but would like to add a nice graded copy to my collection.

In 2011 I completed my graded collection from 1-10 and might start to expand that collection to 1-20 graded if I can find this book in 2012.

Exciting Comics 57, 60, 61, or 66

Exciting Comics 57

I would be happy to add any of these issues to my collection. The covers are all fantastic Alex Schomburg art, and would compliment a few of my Jumbo Comics Sheena covers.

As I had mentioned earlier I only recently (in 2011) added my first golden age comics to my collection and really like some of these early good girl art covers. Schomburg was one of the creators that caught my eye early but the issues are harder to find in mid-grade at a price I am comfortable with.

Regarding the grade of the issues I'd like I would be happy with anything in the 4.0 (very good) or higher range. A presentable lower grade with a nice front cover might work for me as well.

Amazing Spider-Man 129 in CGC grade of 9.2 or higher

As one of the most popular issues of Spider-man I feel I should finally add this issue to my collection.

Spider-man is not really a character I collect, well not since the Todd McFarlane issues in the late 80's, so I never picked up this issue.

Collectors of course know that this is the first appearance of the Punisher. As a teenager this issue was always on my need list and thinking back I am surprised I still have never owned a copy.

I aim to change that in 2012. This issue is very "available" so I will just need to budget accordingly and select a copy that I really like.

What comic books are on your pick-up list for 2012?

Post a comment here or on Facebook to let me know what great back issues you have your eye on.
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